Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm Sorry...

I shouldn't,but I do fine pleasure in picking on someone....I had know idea that Briggs would get so bent out of shape when I said he looked fat in a photo.In his defense he did just get over a broken foot.Which makes it hard to be active.I have no excuses.I'm just a busy old fat guy.
I hope Briggs can forgive me,but if not,I can move on.I did think that me and Briggs were the kinda friends that bust balls,but I guess not.........

1 comment:

Travis Briggs said...

If there is one thing I hate it's being involved in skate drama when I can't even skate. Still nursin the leg a little working comes first right now. But for the record I'm not mad at u kevin. You called me n old retard also but I forgive u guy. I'll be in to get a board when saylor finishes their bowl!!!!!! I don't know how u guys got that picture of me, but I look goooood!